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Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking is really a lot like ordinary bookmarking in a way. Instead of bookmarking a site in your browser for you to visit later, you share your bookmark with others so that they too can visit the site. This is where the "social" part of social bookmarking comes in.

Social bookmarking goes a step further than ordinary bookmarking in another way. You also "tag" your social bookmarks with keywords. This helps others to find them as they can conduct a search based on the keywords, or when the search for that keyword they may find your bookmark.

Social bookmarking becomes a way of classifying information. It isn't as precise as a well designed encyclopaedia, for example, but it does work in that respect. A social bookmark can be found for all kinds of tags, or keywords, if the person who made the bookmark in the first place assigned them to it.

You can make money directly with social bookmarking through at least one site. Share A Link is a revenue sharing social bookmarking site where you can earn money through the Google AdSense program.

The idea is simple enough. Simply register at Share A Link for free. Edit your profile where you can add your Google AdSense Pub ID. You do need to be accepted into the Google AdSense program to be able to do this. Then you simply start sharing links by submitting your links to the Share A Link social bookmarking website.

If you submit highly popular bookmarks, others in the Share A Link network may vote your story up, which in turn will help to generate more traffic. When your story (social bookmark) gets lots of traffic, the revenue from Google AdSense will go up and you will earn money. If you do this regularly, you will make even more money.

Of course, using Share A link for your social bookmarking will also give you a valuable high quality back link to your main website, or indeed any site of your choice. This is what many people use social bookmarking for primarily - back linking their own sites. However, there is a better way to do it, if you want to get highly effective back links to a brand new site.

Use the social news sites like Digg , Reddit , Mixx and Propeller to post your story, which can simply be a snippet from the main front page of your site.

Next you should quickly use a few of the social bookmarking sites such as Delicious , Blinklist and Furl , and bookmark your story in the social news sites. You can round off this highly effective back linking procedure by submitting all the RSS feeds of the social bookmarking sites you have used to the various RSS feed aggregators.

This is a very good way to start off any website you have that you hope to make money with. Done properly the site will be indexed very fast, usually within a few hours, and it will rank in Google and the rest soon after. However don't stop at that. Do more back linking to keep the ranking high.

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