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Surfing The Web

Can you really make money by just surfing the web? Yes, you can. Don't expect to get rich fast doing this, but if you are going to be surfing the web anyway, why not get paid at the same time!

The reason you can get paid to surf the net is simple: advertisers want people to see their ads. The y reason that every so often someone being paid to look at web pages with ads on them will buy something that catches their eye. Presumably this work, for the companies keep doing paying out.

One well known and reliable company that will pay those they accept to surf the web is YouData. Another site that will pay you for a lot of things including surfing the web is Paid For Free.

Both these companies, and there are others too, will pay you to visit various web pages where adverts are being displayed. You cannot just visit any web page of your choice; it has to be the ones they tell you to visit. However, they can be very interesting sites, and you can still have fun doing it.

Yes, it would be great if a company would pay you to check up on your football team's latest score, or to do some shopping at a store you happen to like. It would be great too if you could get paid to plan your summer vacation, and whatever else is fun, but they make the rules, and you will have to surf the web the way they say. That's how you will get paid.

The way the model works is simple. A website company attracts advertising clients who agree to pay a certain amount for every visitor who comes to the site and sees the advert. The website company then advertises for people to get paid to visit websites.

Let's say that the website company is paid $1 by the advertiser for every visitor who sees the advert. They can then turn around and offer 50 cents, or even 75 cents, for someone to go to the page and see the advert.

The website company makes 50 cents, or 25 cents, or whatever, for doing nothing whatsoever. You, the person who has agreed to get paid to visit websites, get 50 cents or 75 cents, or whatever has been agreed, for every website you visit and stay a certain amount of time on.

It's a simple revenue model, and all parties are happy. The advertiser gets people to see their adverts. The website company has a good way to monetize their website, and you get paid to surf the web! It's a win-win-win situation.

You do need to be careful though about who you sign up to. There are disreputable companies around who are only out to scam people. Do your due diligence and check up on every company you consider trying. You don't want to spend all day looking at adverts on websites, only to discover that there isn't any pay for you at the end of the day.

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